I did 4 tours with these guys around San Ignacio. They were all great tours, well organized, on time, good transportation, good guides and good information on the tours in the office. The only thing I had to think of was to pay and then enjoy!
– Tripadvisor review
Inland Blue Hole Birdwatching Tour
Cahal Pech Birdwatching Tour
Belize Zoo & Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary Birding Tour
Black Rock and Macal River Area Birding Tour
Caves Branch & Blue Hole Birding Tour
Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary Birding Tour
Laguna Aguacate & Spanish Lookout Area Birding Tour
Mountain Pine Ridge and Bald Hills Birding Tour
Belize Birding Inland Blue Hole Tours
Birding begins in the open habitat at the St. Herman’s Blue Hole parking lot. Here, we search for species such as the Yellow-faced Grassquit, Buff-throated Saltator, Green-backed Sparrow, Variable Seedeater, Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, and other birds typical of open areas.
As the day brightens, we take a leisurely walk along the lowland trail leading to St. Herman’s Cave. This trail offers opportunities to spot species like the Lesson’s Motmot, White-collared Manakin, Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Ivory-billed Woodcreeper, and Black-headed Saltator.
At the cave, we keep an eye out for the resident breeding population of the Northern Rough-winged Swallow, known locally as Ridgway’s Rough-winged Swallow. After exploring the cave area, we return to the parking lot to look for raptors as the day warms up. Key targets include the White Hawk, King Vulture, Short-tailed Hawk, and Gray Hawk.
We enjoy lunch at the picnic area before taking a short drive to the Blue Hole section of the park. Here, under the forest canopy, we search for species like the Orange-billed Sparrow, Golden-hooded Tanager, Olive-backed Euphonia, Purple-crowned Fairy, Sepia-capped Flycatcher, and the elusive Royal Flycatcher.
After birding at the Blue Hole, we begin our return trip to San Ignacio, with the option to stop and observe any interesting species along the way if time allows.
Belize is a birdwatcher’s paradise! As many as 587 birds have been recorded in Belize and, of these, approximately 20 percent are migrants from North America. Every year new species are being documented. Eight new records were accepted in 2007, including the Crested Caracara, Canada Goose, and Spot-breasted Oriole. For those interested in exploring the diversity and beauty of the avifauna of the diverse habitats MayaWalk expert birdwatching guides will point out tiny iridescent hummingbirds, impressive raptors, and various migratory and endemic songbirds. One of the best places to go on a Belize birding tour is St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park, a beautiful protected area along the scenic Hummingbird Highway.
This small park covers 575 acres and has two natural features open for touring, St. Herman’s Cave: a beautiful crystalline cave in the limestone hills and the Blue Hole: a clear sinkhole filled with turquoise waters, perfect for a swim. A series of lovely hiking trails over various landscapes take visitors into the jungle where the foliage, tropical flowers, and rainforest canopy are the feeding and nesting grounds for hundreds of species of birds. For those interested in finding out more about the amazingly diverse avifauna of Belize we recommend purchasing Birds of Belize (University of Texas Press) by H. Lee Jones, illustrated by Dana Gardner– a must have for serious birders. Published in 2003, this is the first complete guide to the identification of all to the birds of Belize and it is beautifully illustrated and complete with habitat information. Our birding guides will be equipped with binoculars and a spotting scope to make the most of your birding experience. Enjoy the serene trails of the park and end the day with a lovely swim in the Blue Hole.
General Information
Start time 5:30 AM
Tour Duration 7 hours
Breakfast & Lunch Included
Meeting point
MayaWalk Office at #19 Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Belize
15 minutes before tour departure.
MayaWalk Office at #19 Burns Avenue, San Ignacio, Belize
Minimal physical exertion, mostly walking on even terrain with little to no obstacles.
Recommended Age: No age restriction
DURATION: 7 Hours (approx.)
What to Bring/Wear:
- Bring reusable water bottles
- water
- sturdy shoes
- sunscreen
- hat
- bug spray
- camera/cellphone

/per person